Book Review : THE HOUSE GUESTS by Emilie Richards

The House Guests by Emilie Richards is a story that begins with an intriguing premise, and then morphs into one of hidden secrets – some of which may actually threaten the safety and happiness of two families staying together in the same house!

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Cassie and her step-daughter Savannah have had a strained relationship ever since relocating after her husband died in an accident.

When she discovers their dire financial situation, Cassie finds herself backed into a corner – even forced to seek a job.

When her step-daughter unintentionally causes another single mom to be evicted along with her son, Cassie invites her to be house guests – and take Savannah’s room!

Amber and Will move in – as ‘The House Guests‘. Will goes to the same school as Savannah. And Amber works at Cassie’s aunt’s restaurant. They quickly settle down.

But as the story develops, interpersonal clashes and conflicts erupt. Tiny imperfections creep into the multi-various relationships. Friction arises and grows.

All the main characters in The House Guests are well developed and fleshed out, to the point you can identify with any (or all) of the four primary players.

As tidbits of information from their pasts are revealed, each character reveals flaws and blemishes in their personality, or reacts in a unique way to each new development.

Amber stonewalls every question, refusing to give anyone else even a hint into her troubled past… not even her own son. Cassie opens up to Amber, but not to her step-daughter. And Savannah teams up independently with Will to investigate his ancestry.

All attempt to keep their activities secret from the others.

And then, circumstances conspire to unveil them – with attendant consequences.

The climax is kind of cliched and contrived, but by then there’s been a lot to enjoy and appreciate in the story, making ‘The House Guests a book worth picking up to fill time on a vacation or long trip.

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