James Altucher’s ‘couldn’t care less’ style of self-improvement writing seems paradoxically to have a better shot at working to create actual impact… and ‘Choose Yourself!‘ is a great example of the principle at work!
Whenever Muffin grabs hold of something that fascinates her, she’ll shake her head from side to side violently. We joke about it coming off at the roots and rolling around the floor!
Well, as I read the chapter on Opinions in “Choose Yourself!: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream” by James Altucher this morning, my head bobbed up and down just as often and forcefully… as I found myself nodding in agreement with so many parts of it!
“Only worry about your own happiness, which doesn’t have to be limited by anyone else’s stupidity – unless you allow it to be!”
I believe (!) I’ve located a new, wide, core audience for James’ book:
Folks who take themselves too seriously.
“What is the purpose of an opinion? To prove you’re right? You’re WRONG!
When I give an opinion, I know that opinion works for me, right then. But that’s about it. I don’t always need to fight for the glory.”
And there’s the 30-second breath-holding test that had me burst out laughing!
If you’re one of the 500 million who have (and cherish) your opinion, buy “Choose Yourself!” and flip right over to the chapter titled “DON’T Have An Opinion“.
“Walk around bewildered all day. It’s much more peaceful.”
That read alone will be worth your 5 bucks or whatever it is you’ll pay for it.
That’s my opinion – and I’m sticking to it!